Serial Port Component For Lazarus Department
Hello, I'm writing barcode reader application. Is there any way to write inside linux application what will run on backdround, and when some function will be run it will 'type' some data into selected input field? For example, i have open notepad. And type: The serial number is: and then read barcode. Is there any way to put there text stored in application memory? Right now i have 2 way around for that problem. I will pop up my application to front, display text input with select-all feature on click.
This wil allow user to copy text. Second sollution is to copy bardoce into memory (clipboard). User have to paste where he want. But i have to ask this first question about emulate input. Of course i want 'type' text, only to selected input field, where pointer is stored.
Chlip:-( Yes, i was thinking about something like in virtual keyboard. You select some text input field, and application (virtual keyboard) send data into that field. I just looking fot this kind a sollution. Application work in background, and when detect incoming data just work like keyboard send 012345678. Perhaps I don't understand the problem correctly but most barcode readers just behave like a keyboard: they put the code in the keyboard buffer. For serial port scanners, see In a POS program of mine with barcode reader support, I used Form.KeyPreview:=true and intercepted all keys before sending them to the active control.
This way you can deal with barcodes in a central place (as well as function keys, etc). Some barcode readers can be configured to send a leading character before the actual barcode which makes it even easier to recognise an incoming bar code. I don't have serial barcode reader. I get (input) data from network (indy). Barcode i use for example, for beter understanding how i would like to see result. User is fare away with barcode reader! He get information, please scan barcode of xyz He scann.
Data is sended to server. Data is geted from server (indy) and if reading is done. It's geting show to operator.
Serial Port Component For Lazarus Department Of Revenue
Right now it's just displayed inside input text field. I was wondering to speed up all progres and allow direct input into field. User click into field and say: please scan now and wohoho its apear from outer space;-).