Oblivion Insert Disc Crack

Posted on by admin
Oblivion Insert Disc Crack

Originally posted by Digitali: The GESC faq says nothing about warez or no-CD cracks. Actualy, the posting guidelines state the following: Now, no-cd cracks. As long as you own the game in question, we have absolutely no problem with you asking for a no-cd crack.

We are all acutely aware of the issues arising from current copy protection schemes. However, this only applies if you are legally allowed to play the game in question. So, aside from not stating that he/she in fact owns a copy of Oblivion, we're cool. I wondered the same thing when I saw the request + first post combo. Now, no-cd cracks. As long as you own the game in question, we have absolutely no problem with you asking for a no-cd crack. We are all acutely aware of the issues arising from current copy protection schemes.

However, this only applies if you are legally allowed to play the game in question. So to CYA, you should preface every request for a no-cd crack with a big: I OWN THE GAME. Hence why I said his post was borderline, because it seems as if Oblivion came on the laptop, and now he wants to play it without having the cds. Edit: damn you, damn you to hell unimental! On the other hand, it's usually pretty obvious when a poster is using software illegally, and the OP certainly smells of piracy to me (for the reason travathian described).

IMO, nine times out of ten, a user trying to legitimately backup software will know quite well where to look and how to go about it. We've certainly seen far more first-time posters asking for warez than we've seen first-time posters needing help backing up legitimate software, so IMO, it's a prerogative of the community (including the mods, obviously) to judge the merit of a given no-cd post. Sorry I forgot to respond to this thread cuz my bro helped me lol. I'm really sorry if I posted against the rules, my brother said I should ask here but I guess he forgot about that ha. I suppose there's no way I can prove it, but I am not doing anything illegal.

My brother is the one that has Oblivion, and he lives with me and all that. And he NEVER plays Oblivion (or any game for that matter) so I could easily just use that copy.

The reason I wanted a crack though, was so that I wouldn't have to bother using his disc and have the chance of messing it up. He seriously never, ever plays, so in other words I'm never using the crack when the real copy is being used.because the real copy is never used. Okay I'm rambling, it's 3:30 a.m. And I'm sleepy -. There's a much better way if you have the legitimate CD.

As you undoubtedly have the original disc, make an image of it. LC Iso Creator is a pretty good free one, available from Then, you can use another program to mount the.iso image as a virtual CD/DVD Rom device. A good one can be found at This way, you can backup your games to the hard drive, and can run them happily (for most games) without fear of scratching the discs from over-use. Also, you don't have to worry about getting viruses and the like owing to downloading cracks from shady sites on the net. I have to agree with Tzi-Tzi on this one!

Oblivion No Cd Crack 1.2.0416

When you find a nocd crack you have to wonder about the quality of the crack. I notice that some are better than others, some work better others do not. I usually try to stick to named cracks, or groups known for good quality I find that most common sites that post nocd do not carry the best cracks. I usually end up on a German, or Russian site that has the crack I need. I personally would give the OP a pass on all the hating in this thread. After all how old is Oblivion, most people who pirated it will know where to get the cracks anyway, in fact some copies have the crack with the image.

So I personally think that people who request a nocd crack are probably those who purchased, or have access to a legitimate copy. With newer games I can understand not wanting to provide assistance. But why oh why can't they be more like ID software and provide the user with the nocd check in future patches. To me this is good business practice, as most users know about the tools to get around the cd check anyway, just help your users and your karma will be better for it. Originally posted by ScruffyNerf: There's a much better way if you have the legitimate CD. As you undoubtedly have the original disc, make an image of it. LC Iso Creator is a pretty good free one, available from Then, you can use another program to mount the.iso image as a virtual CD/DVD Rom device.

A good one can be found at This way, you can backup your games to the hard drive, and can run them happily (for most games) without fear of scratching the discs from over-use. Also, you don't have to worry about getting viruses and the like owing to downloading cracks from shady sites on the net. Yeah, taking up 4+ gigs of hard drive space for this sounds like a great idea. HDD space comes at a premium on laptops. Originally posted by kaioshade: yea i know scratched cds and all, but is it really that hard to stick a dvd in the drive and play the game? I havent seen a computer dvd drive scratch a disc in years. Just put it away when youre done.

Oblivion Insert Disc Crack Key

I use the discs for all my games and none of them have been torn up. Guess im more careful. If you are only playing one game over a given period of time, it isn't an issue. But for people who like to swap what game they play, it really is a PITA to dig up that disc and the likelihood of scratching it is increased.

My old roommate was very much ADHD when it came to gaming. He would play 20 minutes of an RTS, then switch to an RPG for 30-40 mins, then to an FPS for 10 minutes before going back to one of the other games. I only usually play one game at a time, so never had this issue. But I can completely see where some gamers are coming from with this.