Aladdin Hardlock Usb Emulator Download

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  2. Aladdin Hardlock Key Drivers
  3. Aladdin Hardlock

Hello everyone, yesterday my friend asked me to help him to eliminate a HASP dongle from his PC. His PC was installed and it needs a USB which has type HASP to work exactly. I accepted his request to help him. I noticed that his PC was installed Windows 7 64 bit Professional. I searched on Internet and read many web pages regarding dongle emulator. I found a emulator named EDGEHASP2007 but unfortunately it didn't work on Windows 7 64 bit.

Then, I continued searching on Internet and I found but it is not free so I didn't try it. I thought I will give up but I still hope I can find a free emulator. Fortunately, I found this page describing some steps for installing MultiKey emulator but it noted that you must re-install your software on Windows XP 32 bit after which you must use some tools to dump HASP key and create registry file. Because I didn't have Windows XP I cannot follow this method. I searched on Internet again and I found this tool Universal HASP SRM / HL / 4 / Hardlock Dongle Dumper v.1.3. It can dump HASP key and create registry file for you altogether. It's a awesome tool made by rengteam.

Great thanks to rengteam. Finally, I managed to install MultiKey USB Dongle Emulator. Now, I want to write some steps here: Note: I cloned successfully all types of dongles with MultiKey Emulator. The most important step is that you must generate exact registry file. If you have any problem, please drop a comment. Download necessary tools Download necessary tools here Password: For dongle Sentinel SuperPro/UltraPro, please download this additional tool 2. Get dongle password If your dongle type is Sentinel SuperPro/UltraPro, please skip this step!

The following steps are original here, please follow them to get your dongle password. In my case, dongle password is 725F:583A.

Create registry file Now that you already got your dongle password. It's time to generate registry file. If your dongle is Sentinel SuperPro/UltraPro, please use to generate registry file. If your dongle is HASP or HASP HL then you need to use RTDumperGUI to generate registry file. Please carefully read readme.txt file before doing. For HASP (or HASP HL) dongle you must input two parts of your dongle password into two contiguous textboxes.

For example, my dongle password is 725F:583A so I must input 725F into the first textbox and 583A into the second textbox. Anonymous said. Thank you very much for writing these instructions. I followed them and it worked great. I have a question, though. Once everything is installed and working, so I still need to keep the computer in Test mode?

I followed your steps and used the Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider to sign the multikey.sys file, so I assumed that at that point I could disable Test mode. But when I did that, the software asked for the HASP. I am a little concerned about keeping the computer permanently in Test mode. Can you give me some advice? Mihai Abrudan said. First of all thank you for this great post. I tried to clone a usb HASP HL dongle, everything went ok but the application that requires the dongle does not work, saying 'no security key detected'.

The drivers seem to be installed ok, I have changed the dword for Hasp HL, in device manager I have SafeNet Inc. HASP Key and SafeNet Inc. USB Key but when the dongle is connected there is a new one called SafeNet Inc. Sentinel HL Key and two SafeNet Inc. Anonymous said. I have an Aladin LPT HARDLOCK key. Windows 7 will not see it so I had to create the registry file in window xp and move it to windows 7.

It says the key is installed and running in the registry and program but the program is not working properly. Here is the reg file output. Anonymous said. Would you have time to advice me, please. I followed your steps. I also changed 'Type'=dword:0000004A All seemed to work as you said except when I check the very last step to see the safenet items in the usb list they do not show.

If I try to run my software with dongle removed it treats it as if the dongle is not there. I believe my dongle is HASP HL.

Below is cut/paste of reg Thanks for any help you can provide. Anonymous said. Hi, I hope you can help me with this issue: I already have installed the multikey, because i've been using the software with a simple SafeNet USB SuperPro/UltraPro since 2011, but its key have changed.

With the new key i can see in my system 3 devices: Safenet Inc. Hasp Key, Safenet Inc. Sentinel Hasp Key and Safenet Inc.

I have used this tool 'Sentinel SRM/HASP/HL Dumper v.1.3 (public) build on (21:16:27 May 30 2013)' trying to dump that new key and my results are (for Backup HASP SRM): 1) A file named 'DumpEA789270.dmp.log' with this information: Sentinel SRM/HASP/HL Dumper v.1.3 (public) build on (21:16:27 May 30 2013) START SENTINEL HASP DUMPING. Anonymous said. Anonymous said.

Anonymous said. Anonymous said. Anonymous said.

Anonymous said. Hi Son Nguyen I am using a aladdin knowledge hardlock usb 1.02 when i try a run RTDumper GUI after retrieving the password 0000:630A with the hardlock emulator 32 that created a hl630A.bin file i am getting the following error. Can you please assist START HASP 4/HL DUMPING. @Son Nguyen this is the dump log that i got can you verify with me Sentinel SRM/HASP/HL Dumper v.1.3 (public) build on (21:16:27 May 30 2013) START HASP 4/HL DUMPING. Anonymous said.

Thank you very much for your explanations. It almost worked for my HASP HL Dongle. But did not:( At first, I had a yellow exclamation mark in my device list. I replaced the dword EA with 4A as explained and after rebooting, everything seemed OK: with no dongle plugged, those two lines appeared in device manager: SafeNet Inc. HASP Key SafeNet Inc.

USB Key Yet, the application did not start saying it could not find the dongle. When I plug the real USB dongle, there are not two but THREE lines in device mgr: SafeNet Inc. HASP Key SafeNet Inc.

USB Key SafetNet Inc. Sentinel HL So I guess I might need a further step to emulate this additional driver? Thank you for your patience!

Anonymous said. Any Idea What I need to do to eliminate these errors? START HASP 4/HL DUMPING END HASP 4/HL DUMPING. Anonymous said. Hi i'm trying to install 'Multikey32bit' on a win7 32bit system but the steps described above doesn't seem to work for me. The.reg dump file was provided for me by a friend and the the installation process works on 64 bit systems, even on win 8.1, but the Multikey driver doesn't install for me correctly on my 32bit win7. It starts installing and after a second it tells me that the driver couldn't be installed properly, and it appears in the device manager as 'SafeNET Inc.

USB Key' with an exclamation mark, hence it didn't install properly. The dongle protected software want's me to install 'Safenet Sentinel runtime' and i do so every time. The older version of the software uses 'Hasp-HL Aladin 5.22' so i have it already installed on my machine, and it did work with 'HaspHL2007 emulator' (its simmilar to the HaspHL2010 one) just fine. I even uninstalled the the driver what was installed by HaspHL2007, and stopped it's emulator service so there are no conflicts between the old emulator and the new Multykey32bit, but it doesn't seem to work anyway. I even tried to install it in many variations: 1. Installed the software + Hasp-HL Aladin driver 5.22 + the new version software + Sentinel runtime, Multikey32bit didnt install properly, 'SafeNet Inc. USB key' with exclamation mark appeared in device manager, the software didn't work-saved (it has a saving restriction without the dongle) 2.

Aladdin Hardlock Usb Emulator Download

Installed the new version software + only the Sentinel runtim, Multikey32bit didnt install properly, 'SafeNet Inc. USB key' with exclamation mark appeared in device manager, the software didn't work-saved (it has a saving restriction without the dongle). Installed the software + Hasp-HL Aladin 5.22 driver, the Multikey32 driver installed, and appeared in the device manager as 'Aladin usb key' but the new version software didn't work-saved (it has a saving restriction without the dongle). I'm guessing, that there is some incompatibility whit the 'Sentinel runtime' and the Multikey32 bit driver, or i don't know, it beats me. Installing Win7 x64 or Win8.1 x64 wouldn't be the greatest solution for me because my PC is a bit old and has only 2 gigs of DDR2.

I would really appreciate if someone could help me out in this in this matter.Sorry for the long description or my bad English. Thanks in advance! Hi Son Nguyen, i've tried many times to emulate my SuperPro NetSafe Sentinel but i still can't run it,let me say what i do. First of all i open SSP2MK1.2,i plug my Sentinel and than i do on the following code Save as. Which saves a.reg file on my desktop. Anonymous said. This is a great post.

Thanks for your help in these cases where whichone think are alone. This is a comment to help someone else who can present the same problem with 2.17 hasp key to be installed on windows 7 64bit. Go to the following address: Control Panel All Control Panel Items Windows Update Change Settings Or locate Windows Update directily And select the 'Change Settings' located on the left side. In 'Important Updates' select the option 'install updates automatically (recommended)' when inserting the key, let windows update drivers hasp look. I personally have never had success with Windows Update, but this time, fortunately it worked. That's why I share this solution.

Hardlock driver

Tanks a lot for your post. Daniel han said. Hi Son Nguyen, I've tried many times to emulate my SuperPro NetSafe Sentinel as below but i still can't run with below message. Please help me. Unable to find authorized hardware key.

Your key #- may be defective(error 0xaefa,2). Contact - for a replacement. @Sunil Kumar Rathore i was able to get the dump file and reg file off of the xp machine and i have every thing going on the windows 7 64b machine but when i try to load the dump file and emulate it with Hasp hl2007.exe on the windows 7 64b machine i get error 1275 and when i try to load the dump file into HASPHL2010.exe i get an error that says please upgrade your dongle file contact can you help me to emulate the 25 pin dump file from a windows xp machine to a windows 7 64b please? Hi Sheldor, On Windows 8.1 you should do the following steps to install MultiKey: 1.

Reduce UAC to lowest level 2. You follow the steps in this tutorial to disable drivers signature enforcement 3. Install MultiKey as usual You also need to use dseo13b.exe to sign multikey.sys driver and remember that MultiKey only works in Test Mode.

You must always stay in Test Mode. For Windows 10, I don't have any experience. Anonymous said.

I followed the guide step by step, with W7 32bit. After restarting the system sees SafeNet USB SuperPro / Ultrpro. But it does not work the software says serial number not recognized following reg file.

Hey Guys for all who have proplems with ssp2mk here some things to know! Start ssp2mk: 1. Plugin Dongle 2.

Click top left to search for the pluged dongle 3. If the Dongle was found right click and click on Dump.

One more right click on the dongle now select in options mutlikey older 18.x.x 5. Now you can save the reg file an install it. Something to know: I have many zeroes in my regfile but that is sometimes normal there are no algos. Maybe i can help someone of you!

Good Luck guys. Antonio said. Hi everyone, i like so much this blog because some times ago help me to clone a usb sentinel, but now i have a problem.

Using the same reg i can't run the software. For cloning the hardware key, i useed hasp2010 to find the password, then i useed h5dmp with the 2 string 0xpw1 0xpw2. Then with unidmp2reg i created the.reg.

Hardlock Emulator

So i install multikey 64 bit and the game was done.the software has running. Now, i try to put the same key in a new laptop with win7(as before) but dongle id is not recognized. Anyone has solutions? Antonio said. I forgot to say that i try to make it run on win xp too (32 bit) but still not recognized the dongle.

Is it possibloe from hasp.dmp and hll.mem.dmp convert to hasp2007.dng? I have a.dng of another software and i try with h5dmp to create the reg but h5dmp says.hasp4.

error.also with Son Ngueyen's procedure can't create the reg. The.dng work perfectly in xp, and a way to run on win7 is with vmware (with unit mode seeting semms like work in win7). Another question is: is it possible share a dng hasp2007 over network like a usb? There are some software like usb over ethernet or usb over network. Thanks in advance.

Son Nguyen sir PLease Help Me My Dongle Who is RTDumperGUI in the dongle dump but he is not coming reg file I do not have a password dongle Sentinel SRM/HASP/HL Dumper v.1.9 (public) build on (19:35:34 Dec 21 2013) START SENTINEL HASP DUMPING. Anonymous said. I still try to emulate dongle. And I got stucked at point 3. Actually there is a mistake in this tutorial.

I can't type two parts of dongle password in RTDumperGUI. It's possible only when you use SSP2MK1.2. With RTDumperGUI you just have to follow readme.txt. Also I still do not understand what exactly I suppose to do with my new created registry file?

Extansion and located in HASP-Multikey Emulator folder on the desktop. I chached extension and name of it to my dongle password (4B1740D7.reg) and left at the same folder on the desktop. Now regarding to this manual I have to go to regestry editor and replace some file.

What file?) Thnx man! Anonymous said. Hello, could you pls help me with some advice?

I have this dump:HKEYLOCALMACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services Emulator HASP Dump xxxxxxxx 'Name'='xxx xx' 'Copyright'='2010' 'Created'='12.12.12 12:12' 'SN'=dword:7cc7f71f 'Type'=dword:00000001 'Memory'=dword:00000004 'SecTable'=hex:d1,e1,d1,e1,d1,e1,d1,e1 'NetMemory'=hex:ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,05,00,ff,ff,fe,ff 'Option'=hex:01,01,00,f0,23,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 'Data'=hex:40,54,45,53,54,23,31,23,32,23,34,23,35,23,23,23,23,23. I succesfuly installed multikey on win 7 64-bit ( per your instructions) but i can;t seem to get this key to work.Is there something i must change in the key? Pls be aware that i do not have acces to the original key anymore to make another dump. Thx for any reply. Goodnight Son, sorry English, translated in google translator. My problem is as follows: I'm trying to follow the steps as you described, but when I run HASP / hardlock, the ' Dump ' is blank. So I tried to run the Sentinel dongle Super / Pro, but the results obtained are 4 messages one below the other saying '.

Dumping disabled, Unable to access Sentinel SuperPro system drive, Failed to initialize SPROMEPS API, Failed to access SNTNLUSB device' I have also changed the key to 0,000,004th still not the right. And when I try to open the engineering program the following message appears: ' Sentinel LDK Protection System - Sentinel Key not found ( H0007 ). Can you help me? The program I am trying to open is the QiBuilder. You do not have to open that program? If you can give me a hand thank you very much. Hi, I have a same problem!

Mihai AbrudanOctober 24, 2014 at 5:58 AM Hello. First of all thank you for this great post. I tried to clone a usb HASP HL dongle, everything went ok but the application that requires the dongle does not work, saying 'no security key detected'. The drivers seem to be installed ok, I have changed the dword for Hasp HL, in device manager I have SafeNet Inc.

HASP Key and SafeNet Inc. USB Key but when the dongle is connected there is a new one called SafeNet Inc.

Aladdin Hardlock Key Drivers

Sentinel HL Key and two SafeNet Inc.

Aladdin Hardlock

USB Dongle Backup and Recovery Troubleshooting If your software doesn't start let's do short troubleshooting cause it seems something was wrong during the installation. Please downloaded and install latest dongle drivers Safe-Net (Aladdin) HASP Dongle drivers: Safe-Net (Aladdin) HardLock dongle drivers: Safe-Net (Rainbow) Sentinel SuperPRO, UltraPRO dongle drivers:.


Restart your computer;. Open DongleBackup2012, 'Start service' and make sure you have loaded DNG file from 'Dongles' tab when dongle emulator is started. Please check what does the licensed dongles window show: there must be one or couple of numbers, depending on quantity of dongles you want to emulate. If solution doesn't work again Please open Start/Control Panel/System and Security/System/Device Manager and check for SafeNet devices Following devices may appear in Device Manager/USB Devices. SafeNet Inc.

USB Key;. SafeNet USB SuperPRO/UltraPRO;. SafeNet Inc. HASP Key;. SafeNet Inc. Hardlock Key;. SafeNet Inc.

Sentinel HL Key; If you see any of SafeNet devices, but software doesn't start, make sure emulator driver is started, open Dumper tab, select 'File debug output' option, and start your software. Then send us c: usbdbr2012.log file and we'll do our best to find and fix the problem!
