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Journal komputer garfik. 1. 1 JOURNAL MEDIA OBJECT RENDERING PROCESS LEARNERS COURSE IN COMPUTER-BASED MULTIMEDIA GRAFIKA DI SUSUN OLEH: KELOMPOK 1 Nama Kelompok: Ulfah Wulandari Nova Purnama Sari Lela Warni Moster Manulang Fitrah Irwan Rizal Anshar M.


Khaidir Rido Habib UNIVERSITAS PEMBANGUNAN PANCA BUDI FAKULTAS TEKNIK MEDAN 2014. 2 Jurnal Sarjana Teknik Informatika e-ISSN: 2338-5197 Volume 1 Nomor 1, June 2013 MEDIA OBJECT RENDERING PROCESS LEARNERS COURSE IN COMPUTER- BASED MULTIMEDIA GRAFIKA Angga Prasetio Romadhon (07,018,288), Murinto Engineering Program Information Ahmad Dahlan University Prof. Supomo, SH, Janturan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55164 Email: Email: ABSTRACT Learning Computer Graphic Rendering on material objects for some students it is difficult to understand. Based on data obtained from 20 students who were and who never took a computer graphics course, be seen that the amount of the percentage of students who do not understand the material object rendering more than the students who understand the material object rendering. The number of students who need aids, instructional media are more than the number of students who are not in need. For applications it is necessary to build learning computer graphics rendering, especially in the material object to be used as a learning tool and students facilitate faculty in presenting the material.

Subjects in this study were of multimedia applications as a learning medium computer graphics rendering on material objects. Collecting data in this study using the method of literature review, observation, and interview methods. Applications compiled with procedures that include problem identification obtained, requirements analysis, designing concept, designing the content, design document and navigational charts, manuscripts designing, graphic designing, producing system, testing the system with a black box and the alpha test. The results of this study are multimedia applications as a learning medium in the computer graphics object rendering material for students of Informatics at the University of Ahmad Dahlan is based on the test results it can be concluded that the application of this study can. 3 help the learning process of the students to understand the material and can be used as a tool help lecturers to support learning computer graphics.

Keywords: Computer graphics, Rendering Objects, Learning, Multimedia. INTRODUCTION Multimedia has changed the culture of the user to interact with a computer through the incorporation of media text, graphics, sound, and animation. One area that is expanding the field of education is a form of interactive teaching and learning in order to make it easier to understand the lessons presented. Sometimes learning activities are exposed to materials that can not be done in the classical style.

Proposal Skripsi Teknik Informatika

For example, a trial takes a long time, while the limited learning time is 100 minutes or object is difficult to be shown and explored by students. While the subject of this object rendering learn about the representation of 3D objects and object rendering process. Based on the results of interviews with lecturers for computer graphics courses Murinto S.Si. Father, M.Kom. On December 28, 2011 stated that there are many students who get poor grades in the final exams.

Exam at the end of the semester computer graphics course covers the historical development of computer graphics matter, Introduction to OpenGL, 2D and 3D Transformations, 3D object representation and Ray Tracing where the weight of the material to be focused about the representation of 3D objects and Ray Tracing. Based on the results of the semester Final Exam FY 2010/2011, of 240 161 students obtained facts or 60.08% of students scored below 60.

Lecturers also outlines that the object is rendering the material rendering it difficult for students because the object has several important components to generate objects from the rendering process, one of which is the rendering algorithm in which the student difficulties in understanding the algorithm.